Saturday, September 26, 2015

Reflection: TPI Survey

I felt the TPI survey matched my own personality very well. From the results above from the TPI survey, I am seen to be mostly nurturing, but still concerned with student development. My views on social reform are not particularly strong, which explains it being my lowest score.
I am opinionated on all of the sections the survey tested for, so I was surprised I did not have a higher score for all of the others as well. Overall, I understood I was mostly nurturing because I tend to care a lot for my students well-being in the classroom, all while making sure they know how to succeed academically.
In the future, I do want to work on being more even across the board when it comes to these topics. I feel they are all important aspects of teaching, so keeping them all in mind will allow for the success of the teacher. I don't think I'll ever lower my level of nurture, as I feel an extremely important part of teaching is being a caring - but still professional - individual that students can always look up to. I look forward to seeing how these aspects come through in my teaching.

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